Definition of “external user”
Account fund type per Rate Studies/BO
Ways to contract with UA to use animal resources:
External users can enter into an animal work service agreement in which they serve as the Protocol PI. External rates apply.
External users may work directly with UAC faculty serving as Protocol PI. This would be a contract research type arrangement, still using the service agreement template with UAC performing more than husbandry. External rates apply.
External users can contract with a UA Protocol PI. Rate schedule determined by contract with PI.
Publish external rates
Rates subject to change
CARS data collected every 2 years
Rates evaluated annually
60 days notice
External rates are more than internal as full cost recovery is required to ensure the state is not subsidizing external entities
Must agree to all terms in the UAC Service Agreement
UAC Service Agreement assessed for renewal every 3 years
Work is subject to IACUC review, approval and recharges
All protocol personnel must obtain DCC status, and complete all associated mandatory UA trainings
May incur other compliance fee-for-service charges TBD by scope of work
May require a real estate agreement TBD by scope of work
Projects evaluated on a case-by-case basis against UAC faculty expertise and fit, and available resources
UAC Service agreement conveys ability to perform animal research as fee-for-service and in no way conveys PI-eligibility as defined by RII policy, or any other UA employee benefits beyond DCC status
Contact for more information.