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About Us

University Animal Care (UAC) provides humane and appropriate animal care, ensuring that the highest standards are met so that each animal's well-being is attended to. This includes providing for the animals' daily needs for clean, safe housing and access to fresh food and water; the provision of necessary veterinary care; and the monitoring of the use of animals by principal investigators and their personnel.

The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), in conjunction with UAC, monitors and ensures compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations, guidelines, and policies governing the care, use, and housing of animal subjects used in research, testing, and teaching.

We provide services and resources needed by investigators to accomplish their research objectives and provide training in laboratory animal care and use to technical personnel, students, and faculty.

Our staff, through contacts with the media and the public, works to enhance understanding and support for the humane use of animals in research and teaching programs at the University of Arizona.